Read our hot takes on the latest industry trends and explore essential updates along with detailed briefs
Building a Scalable and Reliable AI System for Financial Markets: Insights and Challenges
How do you create a scalable, secure, and high-performance AI system tailored to capital markets?
Learn from our journey of crafting innovative technologies and strategies that push AI capabilities to the next level.
Unlocking the Power of Conversation in Capital Markets
At Sense Street we’re building AI that reconstructs counterparty intentions in all the messiness of financial chat data.
But what does this endeavour really involve? And how does Generative AI fit into this picture?
One-Click Extraction: Precision and Efficiency in Every Trade Request
Case Study
Learn How ING Automates Sales Trader Workflow (STW) with Sense Street.
Latest Posts
Securing Generative AI Models: Understanding Threats and Defenses
Generative AI has become the core technology dominating most of the new innovations happening of the last few years. It is at the core of what we do at Sense Street. But as a new technology matures from research to production, so do the security and privacy risks presented by this technology.
Implementing AI in the Enterprise
Through the ages I suspect the term “AI” will always be used to refer to the most advanced form of automation available; in the 1980s AI research was all about rules and logic – barely a thought about data. Two years ago, the term got a refresh when chatGPT was revealed…